Beagle Board -


Integration of the Robot Operative System (ROS) and the BeagleBone.

Both ROS and the BeagleBone are great tools and increasingly being used in robotics. Having both of them working together in a easy way would be a great asset. A lot of users show their interest for ARM ROS integration. Some made a couple of tutorials about how to install ROS on Ubuntu on the BeagleBoard however this documentation is getting a bit old fashioned and probably not the right way. There's also some code to use lightweight versions of ROS but again, roboticists might not be looking for a light-ROS device but a fully functional one.

Their aim is to provide ROS in an OpenEmbedded Linux system and clearly they ask for coders and people interested which seems a great starting point. My overall goal will be to provide the tools and documentation to set an easy ROS set up. Clarify the limitations and enumerate what's available and what's not. Using capes in the BeagleBone is just great and super easy. So why not have them ready for ROS usage as well. This might need a bit of work and i'm excited about diving into it. 

Registrar: v.mayoralv

Tags: documentation;library;gsoc;completebbblack;bbone;
Projected created on: Tue May 28 2013 20:57:38 GMT-0000 (UTC)
Submitted by: v.mayoralv
Last updated on: Tue Mar 25 2014 17:14:55 GMT-0000 (UTC)